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Xema app is built on a personal inspiration to help millions of kids and adults that are currently struggling to cope and manage their eczema symptoms during travel and changing weather conditions.


Xema app is an AI-powered mobile chat app, that helps users understand and manage their eczema more easily.​ Xema App currently supports the following capabilities: 

1.       Provide users with a simple way to ask eczema-focused questions.

2.       Restrict user conversations to health or eczema-related using prompt engineering and other techniques.

3.       Track the user's eczema status through in-app feedback, along with other information that is available from the user's phone and the web. (e.g. location, date, time, temperature, humidity, etc.) for a more personalized experience in the future.


Through user's ongoing, in-app feedback about their eczema experience and eczema triggers, combined with other information as forecasted weather conditions, etc., the app also allows the user to ask predictive questions related to their future travel plans. (e.g. I am traveling to Chicago next week. What would my eczema symptoms be?).


Xema app would initially be available on Android, followed by iOS and other platforms. We hope you will find Xema app a useful companion to help better understand and manage your eczema. 


Thank you.


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